Northstar Digital Literacy

Northstar Digital Literacy was developed in response to the needs of job seekers who may lack the digital literacy skills needed to seek, obtain, and retain employment, as well as to perform other tasks in daily life. It is a self-directed testing and learning tool that covers a variety of technology scenarios through short lessons and practice exercises. The Northstar resource is available 24/7, and library staff are available to help with the resource during regular hours.

Northstar Digital Literacy A Program of Literacy MinnesotaInteractive digital literacy test topics include:

  • Essential Computer Skills (Basic Computer Skills, Internet Basics, Using Email, Windows and Mac Operating Systems) 
  • Essential Software Skills (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Google Docs) 
  • Using Technology in Daily Life (Career Search Skills, Supporting K-12 Distance Learning, Social Media, Your Digital Footprint)

Anyone can access the modules and take the tests online here or by clicking on the logo. Closed-captioning is available and screen readers are supported. At the end of each test, the user receives a page of results, which lists the skills that have been mastered and the areas that need improvement. To earn a certificate for one or more of the modules, adults must take the tests in a supervised setting at an approved test site. Email to schedule a proctored assessment.

Ohio library access to Northstar is funded through a federal Institute of Museum and Library Services ARPA grant awarded by the State Library of Ohio.

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